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Do I need a mobile (Phone) friendly website?

In most cases yes.   Not only will it rank better with search engines but will be easier to navigate for your viewers.

The internet has changed drastically since the use of smartphone and tablet devices. This can be backed up using website statistics.  Mobile use represents about 75% of the traffic that visits most websites. Closer to 90% for some industries.

Google tells us that 95% of Americans use their smartphones to search for local information.

How do you make a site mobile friendly?  The easiest method is to build it using a modern CMS system like WordPress. Not all templates are designed to be mobile friendly so if not, it would be a matter of updating your template and having your design reworked to meet these needs.

We currently only build responsive websites that automatically adapt to mobile, tablet and desktop.

Online Store (shopping cart)

We can easily build you an online store to sell your products. sells wire for commercial balers. This store is setup with Stripe and PayPal payment gateways and has features that calculate shipping charges on UPS.

Do I need a secure certificate (SSL) on my websites

Short answer, Yes. SSL certificates are what enable websites to move from HTTP to HTTPS, which is more secure. An SSL certificate is a data file hosted in a website's origin server. SSL certificates make SSL/TLS encryption possible, and they contain the website's...

City Serve in Des Moines

Featured Website City Serve is a non profit organization that supports front line workers like Police, Fire Department, Teachers and National guard. They serve those who serve.  Check out their website at